Join me for my
"Create a Growth Plan Workshop" and learn how to grow your sales.


Hosted by Susan Bradley, E-commerce Expert

Hereā€™s why you donā€™t want to miss this:

In the late fall of 2019, I launched my new store on Shopify.

One of the most valuable benefits of starting from scratch again is that it’s transformed me from a high volume store owner, full of confidence, all the way back to being a beginner, with all the challenges and overwhelm that we feel when our store is in the toddler stage.

Not only do I understand what you’re struggling with, I also know exactly how you feel because I’m feeling all the highs and lows as I work on building this business.

In this workshop...

I’m going to show you what’s 'normal', so you can stop wondering if there’s something wrong with your products, your website, or even you!


Here's what I'll share...

We’ll figure out exactly why you’re not getting the sales you want.

We’ll set a six-month goal that will make you feel successful.

We’ll determine your stage of business and next steps.


Youā€™ll have clarity on the work you need to do so that you can get to the next level and reach your six-month goal!

We don't do "bro marketing."

We do practical, actionable steps that put YOU in control of your ecommerce store. You'll walk away from this workshop feeling confident and ready to take your business to a whole new level.

Sign Up For My Workshop Today

I created this workshop because thereā€™s no better time than now to put together a plan to reach your goals. Learn my simple, actionable steps you can take to get control of your online sales.


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