Create your plan for Reliable Revenue in 2023

Join me for this hands-on Workshop where I’ll show you how to grow reliable, predictable sales every single month.
Book My SeatYou’ll start where you are, right now.
Together we’ll use your data to build your Sales Funnel. I’ll show you how to use your Sales Funnel every month. As you update your data, you'll know what you need to focus on each month.
After just 90 minutes, you’ll have a strategy.
You’ll leave with a strategy to get the most sales from the work you do, and you’ll have a plan to stay on track and grow your reliable (and predictable) sales all year.
Sessions are limited to 400 seats.
Cost: $15 for non members, Inner Circle Members attend at no charge (code required)
A self study replay will be delivered to all registrants.